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UserResourcesGetAlternateEmail Method

Get alternate email.

It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: GET /users/{userId}/alternateemails/{alternateEmailId}

Namespace:  Smartsheet.Api
Assemblies:   smartsheet-csharp-sdk (in smartsheet-csharp-sdk.dll) Version: 2.126.0
  smartsheet-csharp-sdk (in smartsheet-csharp-sdk.dll) Version: 2.126.0
AlternateEmail GetAlternateEmail(
	long userId,
	long altEmailId


Type: SystemInt64
the Id of the user
Type: SystemInt64
the alternate email Id

Return Value

Type: AlternateEmail
Return the AlternateEmail (note that if there is no such resource, this method will throw ResourceNotFoundException rather than returning null)
InvalidOperationException if any argument is null or empty string
InvalidRequestException if there is any problem with the REST API request
AuthorizationException if there is any problem with the REST API authorization (access token)
ResourceNotFoundException if the resource cannot be found
ServiceUnavailableException if the REST API service is not available (possibly due to rate limiting)
SmartsheetException if there is any other error during the operation
See Also