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SheetColumnResources Methods

The SheetColumnResources type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddColumns

Inserts one or more columns into the Sheet specified in the URL.

It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: POST /sheets/{sheetId}/Columns

Public methodDeleteColumn

Deletes the Column specified in the URL.

It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: DELETE /sheets/{sheetId}/columns/{columnId}

Public methodGetColumn

Gets the Column specified in the URL.

It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: GET /sheets/{sheetId}/columns/{columnId}

Public methodListColumns(Int64, IEnumerableColumnInclusion, PaginationParameters)

Gets a list of all Columns belonging to the Sheet specified in the URL.

It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: GET /sheets/{sheetId}/columns

This operation supports pagination of results. For more information, see Paging.
Public methodListColumns(Int64, IEnumerableColumnInclusion, PaginationParameters, NullableInt32)

Gets a list of all Columns belonging to the Sheet specified in the URL.

It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: GET /sheets/{sheetId}/columns

This operation supports pagination of results. For more information, see Paging.
Public methodUpdateColumn

Updates properties of the column, moves the column, and/or renames the column.

You cannot change the type of a Primary column.

While dependencies are enabled on a sheet, you can’t change the type of any special calendar/Gantt columns.

If the column type is changed, all cells in the column will be converted to the new column type.

Type is optional when moving or renaming, but required when changing type or dropdown values.

It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: GET /sheets/{sheetId}/columns/{columnId}

See Also