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SheetUpdateRequestResources Interface

Namespace:  Smartsheet.Api
Assemblies:   smartsheet-csharp-sdk (in smartsheet-csharp-sdk.dll) Version: 2.126.0
  smartsheet-csharp-sdk (in smartsheet-csharp-sdk.dll) Version: 2.126.0
public interface SheetUpdateRequestResources

The SheetUpdateRequestResources type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreateUpdateRequest

Creates an Update Request for the specified Row(s) within the Sheet. An email notification (containing a link to the update request) will be asynchronously sent to the specified recipient(s).

It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: POST /sheets/{sheetId}/updaterequests

Public methodDeleteSentUpdateRequest

Deletes the specified sent update request.

It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: DELETE /sheets/{sheetId}/sentupdaterequests/{sentUpdateRequestId}

Public methodDeleteUpdateRequest

Terminates the future scheduled delivery of the Update Request specified in the URL.

It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: DELETE /sheets/{sheetId}/updaterequests/{updateRequestId}

Public methodGetSentUpdateRequest

Gets the specified sent update request on the Sheet.

It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: GET /sheets/{sheetId}/sentupdaterequests/{updateRequestId}

Public methodGetUpdateRequest

Gets the specified Update Request for the Sheet that has a future schedule.

It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: GET /sheets/{sheetId}/updaterequests/{updateRequestId}

Public methodListSentUpdateRequests

Gets a list of all Sent Update Requests that have future schedules associated with the specified Sheet.

It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: GET /sheets/{sheetId}/sentupdaterequests

Public methodListUpdateRequests

Gets a list of all Update Requests that have future schedules associated with the specified Sheet.

It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: GET /sheets/{sheetId}/updaterequests

Public methodUpdateUpdateRequest

Changes the specified Update Request for the Sheet.

It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: PUT /sheets/{sheetId}/updaterequests/{updateRequestId}

See Also