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SheetResources Properties

The SheetResources type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttachmentResources

Returns the SheetAttachmentResources object that provides access to attachment resources associated with sheet resources.

Public propertyAutomationRuleResources

Returns the AutomationRuleResources object that provides access to automation rules resources associated with sheet resources.

Public propertyColumnResources

Returns the SheetColumnResources object that provides access to column resources associated with sheet resources.

Public propertyCommentResources

Returns the SheetCommentResources object that provides access to comment resources associated with sheet resources.

Public propertyCrossSheetReferenceResources
Returns the CrossSheetReferenceResources object that provides access to cross-sheet reference resources associated with sheet resources.
Public propertyDiscussionResources

Returns the SheetDiscussionResources object that provides access to discussion resources associated with sheet resources.

Public propertyFilterResources

Returns the FilterResources object that provides access to filter resources associated with sheet resources.

Public propertyRowResources

Returns the SheetRowResources object that provides access to row resources associated with sheet resources.

Public propertyShareResources

Returns the ShareResources object that provides access to share resources associated with sheet resources.

Public propertySummaryResources
Returns the SheetSummaryResources object that provides access to sheet summary resources associated with sheet resources.
Public propertyUpdateRequestResources

Returns the SheetUpdateRequestResources object that provides access to update request resources associated with sheet resources.

See Also