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EventResourcesListEvents Method

List all events

Namespace:  Smartsheet.Api
Assemblies:   smartsheet-csharp-sdk (in smartsheet-csharp-sdk.dll) Version: 2.126.0
  smartsheet-csharp-sdk (in smartsheet-csharp-sdk.dll) Version: 2.126.0
EventResult ListEvents(
	Object since,
	string streamPosition,
	Nullable<int> maxCount,
	Nullable<bool> numericDates


Type: SystemObject
Starting time for events to return. You must pass in a value for either since or streamPosition and never both.
Type: SystemString
Indicates next set of events to return. Use value of nextStreamPosition returned from the previous call.You must pass in a value for either since or streamPosition and never both.optional list of resource parameters
Type: SystemNullableInt32
Maximum number of events to return as response to this call. Must be between 1 through 10,000 (inclusive).
Type: SystemNullableBoolean
If true, dates are accepted and returned in Unix epoch time (milliseconds since midnight on January 1, 1970 in UTC time). Default is false, which means ISO-8601 format

Return Value

Type: EventResult
A list of all events (note that an empty list will be returned if there are none).
InvalidOperationException if any argument is null or an empty string
InvalidRequestException if there is any problem with the REST API request
AuthorizationException if there is any problem with the REST API authorization (access token)
ResourceNotFoundException if the resource cannot be found
ServiceUnavailableException if the REST API service is not available (possibly due to rate limiting)
SmartsheetException if there is any other error during the operation
See Also