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SheetLevelInclusion Enumeration

Represents specific elements to include in a response.

Namespace:  Smartsheet.Api.Models
Assemblies:   smartsheet-csharp-sdk (in smartsheet-csharp-sdk.dll) Version: 2.126.0
  smartsheet-csharp-sdk (in smartsheet-csharp-sdk.dll) Version: 2.126.0
public enum SheetLevelInclusion
  Member nameValueDescription
ATTACHMENTS0 Includes sheet-level and row-level attachments.
COLUMN_TYPE1 Includes columnType attribute in the row’s cells indicating the type of the column the cell resides in.
CONTACT_REFERENCES2 contact references
CROSS_SHEET_REFERENCES3 cross sheet references
DISCUSSIONS4 Includes sheet-level and row-level discussions.
FILTERS5 Includes column filters and row.filteredOut attribute.
FILTER_DEFINITIONS6 Includes column filter definitions
FORMAT7 Includes column, row, and cell formatting.
OBJECT_VALUE8 object representation of cell value
OWNER_INFO9 Includes the owner’s email address and user Id for each sheet.
ROW_PERMALINK10 Includes a permalink attribute for each row. A row permalink represents a direct link to the row in the Smartsheet application.
ROW_WRITER_INFO11 (DEPRECATED: use WRITER_INFO) Includes createdBy and modifiedBy attributes on the row, indicating the row’s creator and last modifier.
SOURCE12 Includes the source object indicating which sheet or template the sheet was created from, if any.
SUMMARY13 Includes SheetSummary object.
WRITER_INFO14 Includes createdBy and modifiedBy attributes on the row or summary fields, indicating the row or summary field's creator, and last modifier.
See Also